What is BJCP
If Drunk History and a beer festival had twins it might be Two Blondes Drink Beer.
Each of our reviews follows the five categories of BJCP. BJ what?
BJCP stands for Beer Judge Certification Program.
The organization certifies and ranks beer judges across the world. There are about 7,700 certified individuals around the world that actively judge beer, mead and cider.
This does not include us because we are not certified. We probably won't be tasting "burnt currant" mostly because we don't take ourselves too seriously.
That being said, we've enjoyed - and NOT enjoyed - many beers. We're pretty much professional beer drinkers. jk.
The BJCP Guidelines categorize and describe the many styles of beer. Originally written for homebrew competitions, the guidelines are used far beyond that today.
Not every style is defined and not every beer fits into one of the styles. That's why you might hear us identify multiple categories when introducing a beer. Like our favorite category combo: 30A Spice, Herb or Vegetable and 20C Imperial Stout.
The judging focuses on five categories totaling 50 points: Aroma for 12, Appearance for 3, Flavor for 20, Mouthfeel for 5 and Overall for 10.
Our reviews are equal parts learning something and having fun. So grab a beer, try something new and let's laugh together!